Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So let me begin by saying how deeply sorry I am for the negligience I've shown toward this blog. Some may say that I am unfit to blog. Some may say that blogging requires you to take the time to nurture and develop a blog so that it will grow up to be a blog with morals and values. One that knows right from wrong. A blog that makes a positive contribution to the world. And I want to reassure you all that I am dedicated to this blog. I am ready to pour my heart and soul into this blog so it can be all that it can be. Furthermore, I say this: "Blog-ON!"

Ok then, where were we? Oh yes, October.

Let me catch up by giving the highlights from the end of 2006.

These pictures are from Taroko Gorge. Taroko Gorge is Taiwan's number one tourist spot, and for good reason. This area is a gorgeous, breath-taking landscape where sheer marble cliffs and huge white boulders inspire the senses. We were floored by the grandeur of the gorge.

We commandeered ourselves a scooter and hit the winding mountain road battling huge tour buses and cars, trucks, and vans; cruising through mountain transecting tunnels and taking in the sights at our leisure. Here are some highlight photos.

As the end of 2006 drew closer, some interesting things took place that bears noting:

1. Ellen's friend Amanda's brother (Ben) moved to Taipei with his girlfriend (Heather) providing us with instant friends. Their presence in Taipei is also partly to blame for our absence from the blogging scene. Their photo follows:

2. Ellen sent off 6 applications for graduate school study with an intent to obtain a PhD in the field of Geography. If you want to know more specifics on her intended research goals, you'll have to ask her as this is not the time nor the place to be talking about that. Just know that applying to school in the US from Taiwan can be downright irksome.

3. On Dec. 5th, 2006, Rube officially proposed marriage to Ellen, and she said yes (incidently, Ellen proposed marriage to Rube many months earlier on Aug. 29). Although we have been planning the wedding for a while now, it was made super-duper official with Rube devising secret, elaborate plans. You'll have to get the story from us someday.

4. Ellen accepted an additional position at Happy Kids (the school where we teach) as a nursery school teacher. So starting on Jan. 8, 2007, she will spend most of her days chasing around 2.5 year-olds, trying to get them to sit still (Ha!), trying to get them to listen to directions (Ha! Ha!), and trying to teach them English (Ha! Ha! Ha!).

5. Rube and Ellen spent their Christmas/New Year holiday in the Philippines.

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